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Church History


Mount Zion Original Free Will Baptist Church ~ October 5, 1928


Mount Zion Original Free Will Baptist Church was founded by a group meeting in the old Sycamore School in January 1928.  The school was located very close to the present building site.

The next meeting was held in October of 1928 and on October 5, 1928, under the direction of Reverend R. C. Kennedy, Mount Zion Church of the Original Free Will Baptists was organized.  Land was given by Claude Hunter.

The group elected W. F. Mercer, C. P. Hunter and Z.J. Jones as Trustees, Gertrude Mercer Stanford as Secretary and Minnie Mercer as Treasurer.

C.P. Hunter, Z.J. Jones and D.E. Jones were chosen as the ruling elders.  Reverend R.C. Kennedy was elected as Pastor.

Some of the charter members were:

Mr. W. F. Mercer 

Mr. Ben Brinson

Mrs. Minnie Mercer

Mrs. Maude Rouse

Mr. C. P. Hunter

Mrs. Bertha Lanier Brown

Mrs. Bessie Hunter

Mrs. Maria Lanier Mercer

Mr. Spy Lanier

Mrs. Gertie Mercer Stanford

Mrs. Katie Maready Lanier

Mrs. Lizzie Lanier Sandlin

Mr. O. R. Lanier

Alyce Hill

Mrs. Fannie Lanier

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The minutes of that meeting read as follows:

The Church at Mount Zion of the Free Will Baptist Order did organize together as a body of Christians and to transact the business of the church and to be governed by the word of God and Constitutions under the discipline of the Original Free Will Baptists of North Carolina, do constitute this body to transact this business in faith, asking God to sit as their Chief Moderator in all things.  The Church Covenant was read and explained and adopted as follows:  “Having been brought as we believe by divine grace to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior do now solemnly and joyfully covenant and agree by God’s help to walk together in brotherly love.  We therefore enter into covenant as members of this church and as Christians:  That we will watch over each other in love.  Sharing together each other’s joys and sorrow, that we will not forsake the assembling of ourselves together nor omit the great duty of prayer for ourselves and others that by divine assistance we will endeavor to bring up those under our care in the nurture and admonitions of the Lord, that in all things we will strive to exemplify our profession by a corresponding practice;  to abstain from all sinful conformity to the world, to be just in our dealings, faithful in our engagements and exemplary in all our departments;  that we will abstain from the sale and use of intoxicating liquors as a beverage; that we will sustain the worship, ordinance, disciplines and doctrine of this church;  that we will contribute cheerfully according to our ability, to support of the ministry, the expense of the church, the relief of the poor and the general spread of the gospel.”

The first conference attended by members of Mount Zion was at Friendship Church in Jones County on October 24,1928 with W.F. Mercer and C.P. Hunter as delegates. 


In 1947 each member pledged $10.00 per year to build up the treasury. 


By December 1951, membership had grown to 86 members and the treasury balance was up to $124.00.  By 1961 new Sunday School rooms and a fellowship hall were built, providing much needed space. 


By the early 1990’s plans were being made to build a new sanctuary and fellowship hall beside the existing church.  As plans developed it was determined that the new sanctuary would not be attached to the existing Sunday School rooms and that sufficient funds could be borrowed to add to existing funds to build the entire structure.

A groundbreaking service was held on July 26, 1992.

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The first service in the new church building was held on February 7, 1993. 


A note burning ceremony was held on September 17, 2000 as the loan was paid off within seven years.  


List of Pastors:

1928 R. C. Kennedy, 1938 Stephen A. Smith, 1942 Marshall A. Joiner, 1947 R. C. Kennedy, 1954 T. P. Ellis, 1963 O. B. Taylor, 1966 Lloyd Vernon, 1972 Frank Creary, 1973 Stephen A. Smith, 1978 Harold Swinson, 1985 Tim Heath, 1988 Orvin B. Everett, Jr., 1992 Gary Gurganus, 1994 Ronnie Mohn, 2007 Randy Jones


“Although we have been small in number, with God’s help, we have supported and participated in many of our denominational interests, programs and projects and are continually prospering.  To God be the Glory!”

Mt. Zion Original Free Will Baptist Church

Sunday School    10:00 AM

Sunday Worship  11:00 AM

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Choir Rehearsal  7:00 PM

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