Randy Jones
Phone - 910-340-2625
Sunday School Superintendent
Tommy Futrell
Assistant Sunday School Superintendent
Karen Futrelle
Diana Jones
Ladies' Auxiliary
President: Diana Jones
Vice-President: Edna Futrell
Secretary: Pat Fountain
Treasurer: Annette Howard
Bereavement Co-ordinator: Marcia Brown
Men's Fellowship Ministry
Leader: Randy Jones
Treasurer: Eric Bailey
Raybourne Andrews
Tommy Futrell
Harold Jarman
Kevin Rouse
The Deacons meet quarterly on the Tuesday of the week before Quarterly Conference (January, April, July, & October) for prayer and to review and respond to benevolent needs within the church membership and the surrounding communities. They meet more frequently as the need arises.
Please inform one of the deacons if you become aware of a benevolent need that should be addressed or if you or a family member is sick, hospitalized, or have any visitation needs.​
Tommy Futrell - Chairman
Home - 910-324-5839
Cell - 910-389-1743
Raybourne Andrews
Home - 910-298-4212
Cell - 910-298-5360
Kevin Rouse
Home - 910-324-4533
Cell - 910-389-0314
Harold Jarman
Home / Cell
Eric Bailey
Dick Hood
Wade Horne
John Kutsch
Annette Howard
“The Trustee Ministry serves the Church body with efficient and effective management and maintenance of the church building and property. Input and suggestions for any improvement or safety concerns are appreciated.”
Raybourne Andrews
Kenneth Brinson
Art Brown
Ronald Cowan
Curtis Hildt
Dick Hood
Annette Howard
Wade Horne
Mike Lowe
Kenneth Marshburn
Kevin Rouse
Lisa Walker
Matt Horne
Our Ushers welcome the opportunity to greet you as you arrive and assist with information and location of facilities. They will be happy to assist you so please do not hesitate to ask for assistance when needed.
Music / Media
Choir Director
Karen Futrelle
Pat Fountain
Theresa Lowe
Kelly Stephenson
Justin Futrell
Tech/Audio Support
Eric Bailey
John Kutsch
Ethan Futrell
Financial Staff
Jean Rouse
Iris Horne
Tommy Futrell
Annette Howard
Geneva Phillips
​Church Décor/Flowers
Marcia Brown
Verna Fouts
Annette Howard
Welcome Baskets
Karen Futrelle
Brianna Futrell
Edna Futrell
​Church Clerk
Lisa Walker